AGM 2007


Friends of St Mary's Church, Cricklade, Wiltshire, U.K.


Chairman: Hugh Dudley, 4 Pleydells, Cricklade, SWINDON, SN6 6NG

Secretary: Gerry Dudley, 4 Pleydells, Cricklade, SWINDON, SN6 6NG

Treasurer: Tony Barratt, 13 Boundary Close, Stratton, SWINDON, SN2 7TF


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Annual General Meeting


The Friends of St Mary's Church, Cricklade

Held on Tuesday 20th November 2007 at Brook House, Cricklade

Present: Fr Phillip Beisly; Eddie Condon; Louise Aitken; Bernadette Yarnold; Marie Puskas; Ray Tetlow; Edmund Lee; Peter Baister; Seymour Aitken; Tricia Snape; Claudia Evans-Freke; Gerry Dudley.

Apologies: Kevin Allen; Margaret Stephenson; Ann Wykeham-Martnn; Helen Clift; David Tetlow; René McEvoy.


Chairmans's Report: Eddie thanked Louise and Seymour for once again allowing us to have our AGM in their home. His report, read out at the meeting, is reproduced below.

Churchyard Cross:  Eddie informed those present that four tenders had been received for the repair of the cross.  They range from £3,000 and £6,000.  The “best” tender was received from a local company, but we would be guided by Tony Thompson, Diocesan Architect in choosing.

Treasurer’s Report:  In Kevin’s absence, Eddie Condon read a prepared report (distributed at the AGM).  Eddie  proposed a vote of thanks to Kevin for producing such a concise document.  All  those present were in agreement.

Officers for 2008:  Eddie Condon agreed to serve for another year as Chairman. Eddie announced that Kevin Allen, our Treasurer has informed him that he would serve as Treasurer for 2008, but would resign at the end of that year.  Kevin’s work takes him to London frequently during the week, and living in Cheltenham, he finds attending meetings difficult.  The search, therefore, for a new Treasurer will commence in readiness for Kevin’s departure. Gerry Dudley agreed to continue in her role as Secretary. Helen Clift resigned her place on the committee.  All other committee members are prepared to continue serving. Among those present, Claudia Evans-Freke agreed to think about joining the Committee, and would let Gerry Dudley know in due course. Eddie Condon proposed a vote of thanks to Kevin for his unstinting service as Treasurer over the last few years.

Fund Raising:  It was proposed that The Friends would again become involved in local community fund raising events, such as The Cricklade Show and The Cricklade Festival.  Both these events prove useful for raising the profile of The Friends and in a small financial way add to The Friend’s coffers.  It was however, stated that for each of these events, more volunteers to help on the day should be recruited, easing the burden on the “regulars” who have manned the pumps to date. Two larger fund raising events are planned for 2008. 

Early in October, a Son et Lumiere is to be performed to celebrate the Millennium of St Mary’s.  Pupils from Prior Park School will act and sing through the history of the various churches on the present site of St Mary’s.  Some funds for this are hoped to be raised when the choir from Prior Park perform a repeat performance of a concert they will perform on an earlier visit to a venue on the continent.  This will be performed in the chapel at Prior Park. This will help with providing costumes etc.  Eddie Condon suggested that it might be possible for The Friends to provide some funds which would be recovered from ticket sales etc. 

A further  fund raising event is planned for June 28th, when a “Proms in the Garden  will be presented, with kind permission of Louise and Seymour Aitken, in the garden of Brook House.  It is hoped that arrangements will be completed early in 2008.

Peter Baister, once again, undertook the Great Cycle Ride in September 2007 and raised a further £350 by his efforts.  Peter was asked to try to estimate how much he has raised since he first started doing the cycle ride, both the number of miles and the amount of money he has contributed to the funds.  Half of all the money he raises on the day comes back to St Mary’s.  This information would certainly provide an interesting article for our Newsletter.

Grants:  Ed Lee announced that he had recently received information indicating that English Heritage is shortly to introduce a means of obtaining grants through mineral and aggregate companies who seek to contribute to the local community improvement/refurbishment projects.  Ed to obtain more information and report to the committee. 

Peter Baister raised the topic of applying to The Waylands Trust once again for help.  It was mentioned that perhaps a project to bring water into the church might be a suitable project to be pursued in this way.  This to be discussed at a later date. 

Any Other Business:  Following the theme of work to be undertaken, Fr Philip, asked if the Log of Expenditure, which listed all the projects and costs undertaken by The Friends since its inauguration, should be brought up to date.  Eddie Condon agreed to undertake this task. 

Tricia Snape asked if it would be possible to ask parishioners to help to clean the leatherette hassocks, which have been stored underneath some of the pews and have become dirty and distressed.  If parishioners could take home perhaps 1 or 2 and give them a good clean, this would ease the burden on the normal church cleaning rota.  This to be arranged.

There being no other business, the meeting ended at 8.40 p.m.

Committee Meetings for 2008:

January 8th 2008 

April 8th 2008

July 8th 2008

October 7th 2008 

All these meetings to take place in St Mary’s at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise arranged.

A.G.M.   November 18th 2008 – venue to be arranged. (could be 11th  if preferred)



The Friends of St Mary's Church, Cricklade

Annual General Meeting


20 November 2007


Chairman's Report

The last year has seen continuing progress of the groundwork carried out over previous years.

The Churchyard Cross

We have now achieved approval to carry out the renovation work by all the statutory authorities and our architects have now obtained new tenders for the work. This will be finalised at our next Committee Meeting and hopefully the work will be carried out in the early part of 2008.

Disabled Access to the North Chapel

This work has now been carried out and the new screen is a credit to the craftsmanship of Tim Jefree of Prinknash Abbey, it looks as if it has been there for many years.

The Church Grounds

Having had the wall repaired last year with all the planting and turfing carried out this year, the grounds are looking beautiful, so much so we achieved a Merit Award from the RHSH Britain in Bloom Competition". Gerry Dudley, Helen Clift and Trish Snape at Cricklade received the Certificate in October. Everybody involved in the gardening work parties should be extremely delighted in this acknowledgement of their groundwork. In the spring of 2008 another project is planned to improve the church grounds yet further.

Millennium Celebrations

Ahead of the "Son et Lumiere" celebrations in 2008, which Bernadette Yarnold and her Committee are working towards, the lighting in the church has been updated with dimming facilities installed to allow for different lighting effects in various parts of the church.

Fund Raising

A variety of activities took place this year including our stand at the Cricklade Show, Church Open Day at the Cricklade Wild West Weekend - where we sold tea and cakes (I have never seen so many cakes) making £180.00, a Summer Barbeque thanks again to Jenny and Steve Wrigley, a Coffee Morning in November at Brook House, thanks again to Louise and Seymour Aitken, we made £476.00. “Proms in the Garden” at Brook House is planned for 28 June 2008.  

As you can see it has been another active year with a great deal of success and enjoyment, however, none of this could be achieved without the support of all the Committee Members and Friends but a special vote of thanks should go to our Secretary Gerry Dudley for her unstinting efforts and also Kevin Allen who has looked after our finances although working in London and living in Cheltenham.

Eddie Condon 20 November 2007

Treasurer's Report for the 12 months ended 31 October 2007